[Deadline Extended] Funding Calls: NSFC 2020; NSFC Excellent Young Scientists Fund (Hong Kong and Macau)

日期 : 2020-02-01

National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) 2020

The NSFC is inviting applications to all fields of natural sciences, mathematical & physical sciences, chemical sciences, earth sciences, engineering & material sciences, information sciences, life sciences, management sciences, and medical sciences for the 2020 exercise.

Internal application deadline: February 28, 2020 (Friday) March 30, 2020 (Monday)

Details: https://intraweb.hku.hk/reserved_1/mrpo/ml/nsfc2020.htm

NSFC Excellent Young Scientists Fund (Hong Kong and Macau) 优秀青年科学基金(港澳)

NSFC Excellent Young Scientists Fund (Hong Kong and Macau) is inviting applications for the 2020 exercise.

Internal application deadline: February 28, 2020 (Friday) March 30, 2020 (Monday)

Details: https://intraweb.hku.hk/reserved_1/mrpo/ml/nsfchk2020.htm