Funding Opportunities
Funding Call: National Key R&D Program 2019 from the Ministry of Science and Technology for direct applications in Hong Kong

Date : 2019-06-18

The Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) is inviting direct applications in Hong Kong for the following themes under National Key R&D Program 2019:

  • Synthetic biology (合成生物學)
  • Key scientific issues in areas of information, energy, earth sciences, manufacturing, materials, and life sciences (變革性技術關鍵科學問題)
  • Developmental programming and its metabolic mechanism (發育編程及其代謝調節)

Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) will serve as the recommending organization and requires all applications to be submitted to MoST's online system for them to process further by their deadline (no information as yet from them, we will let you know once they make the announcement).  We encourage eligible colleagues to start preparing proposals now.
